Friday, April 2, 2010

Life Science Music

Friday, April 2, 2010

Exordium: While sitting in the Life Science building, trying to think of content for my blog, I could not help but be extremely distracted by the loud music blaring from the coffee cart. Since the library has been going under renovation, it is hard to find a nice place to study that is centrally located. The Life Science Building is perfect. It is stocked full of tables and benches and is in between the buildings on campus. When you are under a deadline and need to focus, nothing is worse than the 80’s pop songs that echo throughout the building.

Narrative: The Life Science building should be reserved as one of the few places to study. When I am trying to study, the music is so extremely distracting.

Partition: I understand that it may be hard to work the coffee cart and keep yourself entertained. Has anyone ever heard of ear buds? An MP3 player could solve this problem easier. In between hours, when the students are in class and there in little to no business, the worker listens to music. When a customer is there, all the worker has to do is take out the ear buds, and serve the customer. This eliminates the major distraction and entertains the worker.

Peroration: The library has been under renovation for over a year. Places to study are rare. After I have class in the Hasan building, I do not want to have to go all the way to the OUC when my next class is in the Technology building. The Life science building is spacious and actually has outlets. The music in the Life Science building is a huge distraction.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Testimony: The Good and the Bad

Thursday, March 11, 2010

This May I will be graduating from high school, so picking a college is something that I have been thinking about for the past year. What my parents think is best for me and what I think is best for me are two completely different ideas. I always tell them that I know more about colleges because, 1) my dad only went to college for a couple semesters and 2) my mom went to a trade school, so really neither of them can tell me that they know more about college than I do. I also use the excuse that I have been in college for a few semesters already so I know what I like in colleges and what I do not like.

None of my statements are really valid. Even though my parents may not have graduated from a traditional college, they still went through the process of picking a college that best suited their needs; they know how to choose what is best for me. My mom went to a trade school but still had the college experience. She knows what it is like to live on and off campus. And just because I have been in college for a few semesters does not mean that I have experienced the entire “college experience.” I basically go to class and either go home or go back to the high school. I do not live in the dorms with people, or go to any school functions. Even though it may seem like I have a solid testimony, it decrease my arguments potential.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Thursday, March 4, 2010

In many discussion based classrooms, abortion is a topic that comes up often. It is very controversial because there usually is not a gray area. You are either pro-choice or pro-life. I have never met anybody who did not have an opinion about abortion.

I would start out by saying how precious babies are. They can bring the most amount of joy into anybody’s life. They are so cute, there is nothing better than having a baby fall asleep in your arms.

Then I would show a photo of Jace (below). He is one of my favorite little boys ever. I would tell them the amount of joy his existence has brought into my life. The picture makes the issue real. The audience would see how cute the baby is and how awful it would be if he did not exist.

Now that I had everyone in the audience sighing from the cuteness, I would mention how horrific the procedure of abortion was. I would mention the story of a women who her mother tried to abort, but the baby was still alive and how she still suffered from the effects of the failed abortion.

I would acknowledge why there is an opposition. A woman’s body is sacred, it should never be for sale, degraded, or forced to do something that it does not want to do. Then I would ask about the baby’s choice or lack thereof.

There are videos that actually show the procedure of abortion. Then I would ask where the baby’s choice was when this was happening. This would be my closing point because it would be so impactful.

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I am so excited! I finally got the job at Business and What Not Corporation! Now I can quit my crappy job at Burger King. Im glad cause at this job is a great stepping stone to something bigger. Now I wont have to flip burgers anymore. Hopefully I can save my money up from this new job to get my Mustang! Well I got to go! See you later!


Dear Dr. Souder,

Thank you so much for writing the recommendations for my job interview at Business and What Not Corporation. I got the job! This is a great position for me to be in. This job can only lead to bigger and better opportunities.

Thanks again,


Business and What Not Corporation,

I am pleased to inform you that I will be accepting the position of Lead Blah Blah Blah. I really appreciate the opportunities this position is offering me. I look forward to working with this company in the future. Thank you for the position.


Hillary Komma

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Backwards Encomium

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Oh Rhetoric,

Why are you so bothersome?

Every part of my life consist somehow of you. You flow in and out of my mouth and others around me, mostly without being noticed. The study of you is so intense, so complex, nothing on this earth needs to consist of so many ideas. Living in the daily lives of anyone who talks, or writes or think, you infiltrate brains like a conquering emperor. Quick thinking and brave you have to be to fully use the power of rhetoric. It is not fair to those who do not care what comes out of their mouth.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Common Place: Terrorism

Thursday, February 4, 2010

(PROLOGUE) The national security is of the upmost importance. There is no possible way to obtain city, neighborhood or home security if the nation is constantly at danger. That is why laws pertaining to this are taking so severely.

(CONTRARY) Airport security is ridiculous, yet the nation’s most devastating event was cause by the hi-jacking of planes.

(EXPOSITION) Terrorism purpose is to disrupt a normal social atmosphere. Terrorism frightens to gain power. Some may use religion as their purpose in destruction, but others seek fame and dominance.

(COMPARISON) Many say that the current war that we are in is not necessary, I do not have the knowledge to take a stance on the subject, but since then, we have not had an attack like the one we experienced in September of 2001.

(INTENTION) The intention of terrorist varies. Some do it to obtain religious glory, others to honor their family. Whatever the reason, it is killing for an unjustified purpose.

(DIGRESSION) Throughout the beginning of the United States existence, terrorism was common. The Boston Tea Party was one of the most famous acts that is not a gives a sense of pride.

(REJECTION OF PITY) Many people feel that terrorism will not affect them. It affects the nation, which in turn should affect the people of the nation. It is up to the nation to grieve and mourn with each other.

(LEGALITY) Terrorism laws are so prevalent in in this generation’s life. The Christmas incident has only made matters worse. For all the extra trouble that everyone is put through at the airports, it is worth national security.

(JUSTICE) Terrorists and their behavior should never be tolerated. There needs to be a harsh punishment.

(POSSIBILITY) The punishing is not the hard part to treat terrorism. Apparently, it is finding the terrorist that is the difficult part.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Stasis for all...

Thursday, January 28, 2010

I decided to try and find an editorial in the Pueblo Chieftain, and found out that it is quite hard. I do not read the paper, which is a shame, but I assumed that there would be an editorial in every newspaper. Then when I finally found the section, “Tell it to the Chieftain” there was only one entry. So I was wondering if Pueblo does not care, or if it is a reflection of the world turning to other news sources beside the newspaper. Regardless here is my analysis.

The issue was centered on a changed view of a city attorney names Tom Jagger. Mr. Gurule, the author, started out with a preconceived notion that Tom Jagger would fit his stereotype and not care about the general public. Mr. Gurule proceeded to say how much he enjoyed working with Mr. Jagger and what a wonderful man he was.

The issue that is being confronted in this article is Mr. Jagger’s reputation. If Mr. Gurule was having negative thoughts about Mr. Jagger, then most likely other people were having the same feelings.

There is not a conjecture in this article. Maybe if the article was written in 1994 when Mr. Gurule first encountered Mr. Jagger there may have been some hatred within the issue. This may be closer to an encomium rather than a conjecture.

I have never heard of Mr. Jagger before this, but a Stasis that could hopefully be reached would be: whatever the personality of Mr. Jagger is, he is a good city attorney for Pueblo.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

PII #1: Cheria

Thursday, January 21, 2010
"The root of education is bitter, but sweet are its fruits." - Isocrates

Wouldn't it be nice if we were born with the knowing everything we needed to get through life? I know that without school and education I would be no where, and I am sure the vast majority of people feel the same way.

RA #2: New Kairos For Gun Control

The article, Feds Fight Back on Montana Made Gun Articles, has new kairos surrounding it compared to the articles shared in the book. The focus of this article was not so much the issue of gun control, but the fact that the laws may be changed. There haven’t been major gun tragedies in Montana so the feel of this article is different. When people think of Montana they think of large open spaces, with lots of hunting which includes guns. So when I read this article my first thought was, “Let Montana have their gun laws.” This sort of sympathy would not have been shared if it were a state that was notorious for gun problems.

Here is the link